We missed blogging in April, but we’re still here! We’ve just been SUPER busy this Spring. It’s been Show season for us…. we’ve been having a blast and talking our heads off…. at ATiA, CSUN, VRATE, Power UP, Texas AER,…
News/Blog (page 2)
AI understands the importance of Art in STEM
I asked for a first person blog post on the importance of adding art and music to STEM education for blind students. Here’s what I got: Hey there! I’m ChatGPT, and today I want to talk about the benefits of…
Today I Tried Legos
Legos: the joy of many childhoods! They help you learn to build and expand your creativity. Recently I heard more about accessible Lego instructions in audio and braille. I was so excited because I had just received a Lego set…
In Memorium
John Boyer passed away on January 17. John was born blind and lost his hearing as a child. He devoted his life to promoting and developing computer applications that improved lives of people who are blind or deaf blind. John…
Eye on Vision with Dr. Soumitra Mitra and Ashley Neybert
Then, Ashley Neybert, accessibility specialist with ViewPlus and lead curriculum designer with Independence Science, explains what a day in the life of a blind student is like at Oregon State University. http://eyeonvision.blogspot.com/2023/01/muller-glia-in-zebrafish-for-retinal.html?m=1
Happy New Year!
It’s the time for making new resolutions and starting the new year with a fresh attitude and outlook. What are you going to focus on this year? At ViewPlus this year, we are going to focus on putting the A…
A Day in the Life of a Blind Person
Hello everyone! My name is Ashley Neybert and I am ViewPlus’ newest Accessibility Specialist. I am also legally blind and thought it might be good for everyone to know some of the adaptations I make in my daily life. I…
A Picture is Worth 1000 Words
Throughout my life I have heard the phrase “a picture is worth 1000 words”. Is this true? Why would a picture be important? I can think of several scenarios where it is just too difficult to explain to someone using…
What makes the job of teaching the visually impaired so difficult? (and making it easier)
For both students and teachers, the start of a new school year brings with it challenges – some new and some recurring. In our previous post, “Overcoming Barriers: preparing a university for differently abled students”, we identified some of the…
Back-to-Learning for the Visually Impaired of Any Age
August is for many, (with varying degrees of enthusiasm) the time when thinking about going back to school. This is related to different investments, new clothing, schoolbooks and much more, or simply the opportunity to invest in oneself, when the…