We missed blogging in April, but we’re still here! We’ve just been SUPER busy this Spring.
It’s been Show season for us…. we’ve been having a blast and talking our heads off…. at ATiA, CSUN, VRATE, Power UP, Texas AER, Texas Ahead, CTEBVI, Penn-Del AER, and so many more.
And now Sight City in Frankfurt, the largest international trade fair for aids for the blind and visually impaired, is coming up next week! May 10-12th. Are you coming? Come by and visit our booth and see what we’ve been working on.
Although if you can’t wait, or you’re not able to visit, then let me summarize our focus in one word…
C O L O U R !!
(In this instance we used the non-American spelling to bring some extra color to another letter)
Anyway, we’ve been very busy and have lots of exciting news to share about what we’ve been working on, so stay tuned!!
Come back to check-in with us this summer… and if you haven’t already, then sign up for our Newsletters. It’s still under wraps but it’s EXCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITING!!!