ViewPlus 2024 Wrapped – Color InkConnect and TSS 9

As the end of 2024 draws closer and closer…(perhaps you’ve heard of Spotify “2024 wrapped”?), well it’s time for ViewPlus 2024 Wrapped!

It’s been another big year for ViewPlus as we continue to lead the charge in tactile graphics becoming a necessity, rather than a “nice to have” for the blind and visually impaired students, especially in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). We’ve approached this from a few angles…

Color InkConnect

Our new product and significant milestone in braille and tactile graphics production is the release of the Color InkConnect – paired with an Elite, this enables the addition of COLOR ink to our renowned tactile graphics and braille output thereby enhancing collaborative opportunities for educators and students alike, enabling shared experiences across the visual spectrum.

Tiger Software Suite (TSS) 9

In addition to new products, we made improvements to a customer-favorite, Tiger Software Suite, and have now released TSS9. This latest version includes all the usual updates of Liblouis, but also provides the option to select different math-types now, and multiple new tools and features in Tiger Designer.

Shows, Webinars, and YouTube Videos

We had our biggest year ever getting out and about to as many shows and conferences as possible – we went to India, Frankfurt, Poland and so many US states! And we’re geared up for even more in 2025, so make sure you stop by our booth to get the new “2025 ViewPlus Swag bag”, as well as any embossed samples or your favorite cartoons.

AND we didn’t stop there – we’ve also been doing regular “Wednesday Webinars” to answer people’s questions and walk people through a range of topics – the basics of TSS, or the specifics of representing color in tactile graphics, and last week we provided an Overview of our embossers to help people decide what best suits their needs. Perhaps you can raise a topic you’re interested in next…

AND finally, we’ve also been posting all these recorded webinar videos to our YouTube channel so you can go back and rewatch anything you need or missed.

See here for more information.

Content and Coloring Books

On a final note, we continue to make new versions of the ViewPlus coloring books, puzzles, and a variety of content to show what is possible with our embossers. We barely scratch the surface with what’s possible, but what we have found is that having access to an embosser, or better still, your OWN embosser, results in far greater results and opportunities.

All pages from our Coloring Books are available to download for free, so give one a try!

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