On Thursday May 24th in a school for visually impaired in Prague, company Symbio arranged a very well visited product demonstration. About 50 persons, staff from educational facilities, government bodies and end-users had been invited on this very warm and sunny afternoon. After a short introduction to the event held by Petr Mašek from company V-Zenit, who is responsible for creating the audio guides of the manuals of ViewPlus products in Czech language along with the talking menus for the VP Columbia and VP Delta, Tomasz Zarzyka CEO of company Symbio presented his company and described his cooperation with ViewPlus. After this, it was time for Rebecka Boman, International account Manager at ViewPlus Technologies to briefly present the embossers on display, VP SpotDot, VP Delta and VP Columbia along with VP EmBraille with the help of Zdenek, whom also speaks fluent German and English. He was of great assistance during this afternoon. The product presentation was proceeded by a visual demonstration of ViewPlus braille transcription software Tiger Software Suite and Tiger Designer, once again held by Tomasz. Several persons now had questions and all visitors were invited to come to see and touch the embossers on display and several persons also took the advantage to create and print their own braille and tactile graphics documents.