Compatible with the SpotDot embosser
Latest Release: 2.0.21
System Requirements: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
Firmware update packages will erase the existing firmware on your printer and update your printer to the current released version.
Installation Instructions
- Download the firmware update.
- Ensure your SpotDot is connected to your PC.
- Power on the SpotDot while pressing the play button (arrow pointing right). This places the SpotDot in the mode to accept the firmware update. You will know that it is in update mode when the Red indicator light illuminates steadily.
- Once the firmware update has been downloaded, run the executable file. Select “Start Download.” You will see a progress bar on the interface of the firmware update package and green and red lights alternating on your printer.
- Once the firmware update is complete, your printer’s lights will be on. This indicates that the firmware was installed successfully.
Note: Once the update has successfully completed, you will need to power your printer off & on.
Updating Drivers/Firmware: It is recommended that when you update drivers/firmware to update both at the same time to the latest version.