Dr. Samuel Maddimadugula

It gives me great pleasure to write this testimonial in support of the Tiger suite of the latest embossed print technology. Two years ago, I started working with the first model of the haptic emprint embosser (the first in New Zealand) to produce tactile formats in biology and math and was absolutely fascinated at its ability, flexibility and the high quality of the embossed prints. It is easy to work with and converts anything that is created in Word into a tactile format in a matter of minutes.

As the demand for information in tactile format increased, the Pro Gen II embosser was acquired to produce Braille on a larger scale using tractor feed and other paper sizes with varying thickness. We are absolutely thrilled at its excellent performance and high quality output. We did not stop there. Convinced that the tiger technology developed by ViewPlus is the best in terms of supporting and enabling our blind students to become independent and self-directed learners, we acquired the IVEO Touchpad which offers yet another whole new dimension to the world of tactile learning. We will be looking next at acquiring the Audio Graphic Calculator to complete our pool of Tiger Braille print technology.

I strongly recommend practitioners of alternate formats to acquire these invaluable products as they offer unsurpassed support for blind and low vision students who wish to undertake hitherto inaccessible and challenging disciplines like science, math, engineering and so on.

A final word about training and technical assistance – and I state this with gratitude, admiration and appreciation – I have not experienced a more friendly, immediate and highly efficient response whether in terms of on-line training or technical support than with the team at ViewPlus Technologies. The fact that I am on the other side of the world makes it all the more unique.