MathType is an intelligent mathematical equation editor designed for personal computers running Windows or MacOS. It’s an application that allows you to create complex equations through simple point-and-click techniques, and then use them in documents, web pages, or markup-based systems. Using MathType in conjunction with a word-processing, page-layout, or graphics application, you can easily create tests and class notes, technical reports, view-graphs, research papers, dissertations, slides, and even entire books. MathType is also the professional version of the Equation Editor that comes with Microsoft Word, Corel WordPerfect and many other popular applications, and provides a seamless upgrade to the capabilities found in Equation Editor.
MathType is no longer offered through ViewPlus or included in installations of Tiger Software Suite.
MathType is still offered as a subscription-based product through Wiris. Click the button below to visit their website and download MathType.